The free World Camp for Jesus is a response to the vision the Lord gave, and it is out of obedience, love, and gratitude to the goodness of  God that the Organizing Team has decided to do this. For this year, 2016, in obedience to the  Lord's leading, the Camp will be held at the Highlands Philippines, located in Iba, Zambales. The Camp dates are August 5-7.


The Camp is a gathering of vineyard workers across the globe. It is open to different denominational and non-denominational five-fold ministers, elders, leaders,  worshippers (singers/dancers), shofar blowers, worship flaggers, intercessors, and prayer warriors for global worship, prayer and intercession. Its purpose is also to provide a venue for the Holy Spirit to (further) empower campers through spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Ephesians 4:11-13) to (more) effectively  fulfill the Great Commission (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20) and prepare the way for Jesus’ imminent coming  (Isaiah 40:3-5;  Hebrews 10:37).



  • To provide a venue for fellowship and face-to-face networking.

  • To be encouraged and renewed by testimonies and presentations of five-fold ministers fulfilling the Great Commission.

  • To have a deeper understanding and appreciation of  spiritual  gifts (motivational, ministry, manifestation).

  • To identify, activate, enhance, and/or receive impartation of spiritual gifts.

  • To acquire a  broader understanding of the  Kingdom  of God.

  • To develop a Jesus-Kingdom mindset.

  • To witness the fulfillment of the Lord's commitment for strongholds to break during praise and worship and His glory to fall  at the Camp.




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